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683 lines
FILE : matrix.c
PURPOSE : SNNS-Kernel standard matrix operations
AUTHOR : Michael Vogt
DATE : 10.02.92
CHANGED BY : Sven Doering
IDENTIFICATION : @(#)matrix.c 1.10 3/15/94
LAST CHANGE : 3/15/94
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
/* included headers: */
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "matrix.ph"
#include "glob_typ.h"
/* functions: */
/* function RbfAllocMatrix: */
/* allocate matrix m with r rows and c columns */
/* returns 0 if impossible, 1 otherwise */
int RbfAllocMatrix(int r, int c, RbfFloatMatrix *m)
int rc; /* return code */
int i; /* index variable */
m -> field = (float *) malloc(r * c * sizeof(float));
m -> r_pt = (float **) malloc(r * sizeof(float *));
if (m -> field == (float *) NULL ||
m -> r_pt == (float **) NULL)
/* malloc was impossible, return 0 (reports error) */
rc = 0;
/* malloc successfull, initialize matrix: */
rc = 1;
m -> rows = r;
m -> columns = c;
for (i = 0; i<r; i++)
(m -> r_pt)[i] = &(m -> field)[i * c];
return rc; /* report status */
/* function RbfFreeMatrix: */
/* deallocate matrix m */
void RbfFreeMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m)
free(m -> field);
free(m -> r_pt);
m -> rows = 0;
m -> columns = 0;
/* function RbfClearMatrix: */
/* set all elements of matrix m to value c */
void RbfClearMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m, double c)
int count;
float *ptoelement;
ptoelement = m -> field;
count = (m -> rows)*(m -> columns);
*ptoelement++ = c;
/* function RbfSquareOfNorm: */
/* */
float RbfSquareOfNorm(RbfFloatMatrix *m)
int i, j;
float norm = 0.0;
for (i = m->rows -1 ; i>=0; i--)
for (j = m->columns -1 ; j>=0; j--)
norm += RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i ,j )*RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j);
return norm ;
/* function RbfIdempotentMatrix: */
/* CAUTION: m must be a square matrix */
/* set all elements of matrix m to value 0, the diagonal to 1 */
void RbfIdempotentMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m)
register int i,j;
for (i = m->rows -1 ; i>=0; i--)
for (j = m->columns -1 ; j>=0; j--)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, 0);
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, i, 1);
/* function RbfMulScalarMatrix: */
/* set all elements of matrix m to their value multiplied with a */
void RbfMulScalarMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m, float a)
register int i,j;
for (i = m->rows -1 ; i>=0; i--)
for (j = m->columns -1 ; j>=0; j--)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, a * RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j) );
/* function RbfSetMatrix: */
/* set m1 to m2 (m1 = m2). m1 must be allocated with the same */
/* dimensions as m2 */
void RbfSetMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2)
int count;
float *ptofrom;
float *ptoto;
if (m1 -> rows != m2 -> rows ||
m1 -> columns != m2 -> columns)
ErrMess("RbfSetMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n");
count = (m2 -> rows)*(m2 -> columns);
ptofrom = m2 -> field;
ptoto = m1 -> field;
*ptoto++ = *ptofrom++;
/* function RbfTranspMatrix: */
/* set m1 to m2 transposed (m1 = m2T) */
/* number of rows of m1 must be equal to number of columns of m2. */
/* number of columns of m1 must be equal to number of rows of m2. */
void RbfTranspMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2)
int r;
int c;
if (m1 -> rows != m2 -> columns ||
m1 -> columns != m2 -> rows)
ErrMess("RbfTranspMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n");
/* make m1 to become m2 transposed */
for (r = 0; r < m2 -> rows; r++)
for (c = 0; c < m2 -> columns; c++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, c, r, RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, r, c));
/* function RbfLUDcmp: */
/* builds the LU Decomposition of matrix m and stores it into m */
/* the permutation of rows is stored in vector <index> to use with */
/* the function RbfLUBksb for solving linear equations. */
/* (Algorithm taken from 'Numerical Recipts') */
/* returns 1 if succesfull, 0 if singular matrix, negative if kernel */
/* error */
static int RbfLUDcmp(RbfFloatMatrix *m, int *indx)
register float sum;
register float dum;
register float big;
register int i, j, k, imax;
register float temp;
register float *vv;
if ((vv = (float *) malloc(m -> rows * sizeof(float))) == NULL)
ErrMess("RbfLUDcmp: impossible to allocate helpmatrix.\n");
for (i = 0; i < m -> rows; i++)
big = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < m -> rows; j++)
if ((temp = fabs(RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j))) > big)
big = temp;
if (big == 0.0)
return 0;
vv[i] = 1.0/big;
for (j = 0; j < m -> rows; j++)
for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
sum = RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j);
for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
sum -= RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, k) *
RbfMatrixGetValue(m, k, j);
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, sum);
big = 0.0;
for (i = j; i < m -> rows; i++)
sum = RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j);
for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
sum -= RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, k) *
RbfMatrixGetValue(m, k, j);
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, sum);
if ((dum = vv[i] * fabs(sum)) >= big)
big = dum;
imax = i;
if (j != imax)
for (k = 0; k < m -> rows; k++)
dum = RbfMatrixGetValue(m, imax, k);
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, imax, k,
RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, k));
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, j, k, dum);
dum = vv[imax];
vv[imax] = vv[j];
vv[j] = dum;
indx[j] = imax;
if (RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, j) == 0.0)
fprintf(stderr,"RbfLUDcmp: seems to be a singular matrix\n");
return 0;
if (j != (m -> rows - 1))
dum = 1.0/RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, j);
for (i = j+1; i < m -> rows; i++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j,
RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j) * dum);
return 1;
/* function RbfLUBksb */
/* solves the linear equation LU*x = b, where LU is placed in m using */
/* the algorithm RbfLUDcmp. b is replaced by the solution x. */
static void RbfLUBksb(RbfFloatMatrix *m, int *indx, float *b)
register float sum;
register int i, ii=0, ip, j;
for (i = 0; i < m -> rows; i++)
ip = indx[i];
sum = b[ip];
b[ip] = b[i];
if (ii)
for (j = ii-1; j < i; j++)
sum -= RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j) * b[j];
else if (sum != 0.0)
ii = i+1;
b[i] = sum;
for (i = (m -> rows - 1); i >= 0; i--)
sum = b[i];
for (j = i+1; j < m -> rows; j++)
sum -= RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j) * b[j];
b[i] = sum / RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, i);
/* function RbfInvMatrix: */
/* set m to inverse of m (m = m^-1). */
/* returns 0 if impossible, 1 otherwise, negative if kernel error */
/* This function makes use of the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, which devides */
/* the matrix m into two triangular matrixes m = l*r. m needs to be not */
/* singulary! (Algorithm taken from "Numerical Recipts") */
int RbfInvMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m)
register int i, j;
register int *indx;
register float *b;
register int tmp_err;
RbfFloatMatrix help;
if (m -> rows != m -> columns)
ErrMess("RbfInvMatrix: matrix not of form N x N.\n");
if (!RbfAllocMatrix(m -> rows, m -> rows, &help) ||
(indx = (int *) malloc(m -> rows * sizeof(int))) == NULL ||
(b = (float *) malloc(m -> rows * sizeof(float))) == NULL)
ErrMess("RbfInvMatrix: impossible to allocate helpmatrix.\n");
RbfSetMatrix(&help, m);
if ((tmp_err = RbfLUDcmp(&help, indx)) != 1)
return tmp_err;
for (j = 0; j < m -> rows; j++)
for (i = 0; i < m -> rows; i++)
b[i] = 0.0;
b[j] = 1.0;
RbfLUBksb(&help, indx, b);
for (i = 0; i < m -> rows; i++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, b[i]);
return 1;
/* function RbfInvMatrix: */
/* set m to inverse of m (m = m^-1). */
/* returns 0 if impossible, 1 otherwise, negative if kernel error */
/* This function makes use of the Gauss-Jordan algorithm, which devides */
/* the matrix m into two triangular matrixes m = l*r. m needs to be not */
/* singulary! (Algorithm taken from "Stoer: Numerische Mathematik 1") */
int RbfInvMatrix(m)
RbfFloatMatrix *m;
RbfFloatMatrix help;
int i, j, r, k, n;
float max, hr, hi;
if (m -> rows != m -> columns)
ErrMess("RbfInvMatrix: matrix not of form N x N.\n");
n = m -> rows; /* n = dimension of matrix */
/* allocate helpmatrix: 0. row: field p[N] of algorithm */
/* 1. row: field hv[N] of algorithm */
if (!RbfAllocMatrix(2, n, &help))
ErrMess("RbfInvMatrix: impossible to allocate helpmatrix.\n");
/* initialize permutation field: */
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(&help, 0, j, (float) j);
/* invert matrix: */
/* notation in comments: m[r,c] means element at row r column c */
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
/* looking for pivot: */
/* find row r, where r >= j and m[r,j] is maximal */
max = fabs(RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, j));
r = j;
for (i = j+1; i < n; i++)
hi = fabs(RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, i));
if (hi > max)
max = hi;
r = i;
/* test if matrix is singulary: */
/* if true, then return directly and report errorcode */
if (max == 0.0)
return 0;
/* if r != j (r > j) then switch row r with row j and mark */
/* this in helpmatrix: */
if (r > j)
for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
hr = RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, k);
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, j, k, RbfMatrixGetValue(m, r, k));
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, r, k, hr);
hi = RbfMatrixGetValue(&help, 0, j);
RbfMatrixSetValue(&help, 0, j, RbfMatrixGetValue(&help, 0, r));
RbfMatrixSetValue(&help, 0, r, hi);
/* do the transformation: */
hr = 1.0 / RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, j);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, j, hr * RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j));
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, j, j, hr);
for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
if (k != j)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (i != j)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, k,
RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, k) -
RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, j) *
RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, k));
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, j, k,
-hr * RbfMatrixGetValue(m, j, k));
/* now switch back the columns: */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(&help, 1,
(int) RbfMatrixGetValue(&help, 0, k),
RbfMatrixGetValue(m, i, k));
for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m, i, k,
RbfMatrixGetValue(&help, 1, k));
/* report success: */
return 1;
/* function RbfMulTranspMatrix: */
/* set m1 to m2*m2T. number of rows of m2 must be equal to number of */
/* rows and columns of m1. */
void RbfMulTranspMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2)
int dest_c;
int dest_r;
int count;
register float scalar_product;
if (m2 -> rows != m1 -> rows ||
m2 -> rows != m1 -> columns)
ErrMess("RbfMulTranspMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n");
/* notice that m2*m2T is a symmetric matrix! */
for (dest_r = 0; dest_r < m1 -> rows; dest_r++)
for (dest_c = dest_r; dest_c < m1 -> rows; dest_c++)
scalar_product = 0.0;
for (count = 0; count < m2 -> columns; count++)
scalar_product += RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, dest_r, count) *
RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, dest_c, count);
RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, dest_r, dest_c, scalar_product);
if (dest_r != dest_c)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, dest_c, dest_r, scalar_product);
/* function RbfMulMatrix: */
/* set m1 to m2*m3. number of columns of m2 must be equal to number of */
/* rows of m3. m1 must be allocated with r = number of rows of m2 and */
/* c = number of columns of m3. */
void RbfMulMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2, RbfFloatMatrix *m3)
int dest_c;
int dest_r;
int count;
if (m1 -> rows != m2 -> rows ||
m1 -> columns != m3 -> columns ||
m2 -> columns != m3 -> rows)
ErrMess("RbfMulMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n");
/* This seems to be a strange way to multiply two matrices but */
/* it prevents the swapper from trashing: */
RbfClearMatrix(m1, 0.0);
for (dest_r = 0; dest_r < m1 -> rows; dest_r++)
for (count = 0; count < m2 -> columns; count++)
for (dest_c = 0; dest_c < m1 -> columns; dest_c++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, dest_r, dest_c,
RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, dest_r, count) *
RbfMatrixGetValue(m3, count, dest_c) +
RbfMatrixGetValue(m1, dest_r, dest_c));
/* set m1 to m2+m3. number of columns of m1, m2 and m3 must be equal. */
/* number of rows of m1, m2 and m3 must be equal. */
void RbfAddMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m1, RbfFloatMatrix *m2, RbfFloatMatrix *m3)
int dest_c;
int dest_r;
if (!(m1 -> rows == m2 -> rows &&
m2 -> rows == m3 -> rows) ||
!(m1 -> columns == m2 -> columns &&
m2 -> columns == m3 -> columns)
ErrMess("RbfAddMatrix: incompatible matrixes.\n");
for (dest_r = 0; dest_r < m1 -> rows; dest_r++)
for (dest_c = 0; dest_c < m1 -> rows; dest_c++)
RbfMatrixSetValue(m1, dest_r, dest_c,
RbfMatrixGetValue(m2, dest_r, dest_c) +
RbfMatrixGetValue(m3, dest_r, dest_c));
/* function RbfPrintMatrix: */
/* print out matrix m to stream (file) s */
void RbfPrintMatrix(RbfFloatMatrix *m, FILE *s)
int r;
int c;
for (r = 0; r < m -> rows; r++)
for (c = 0; c < m -> columns; c++)
fprintf(s, "%.4e ",RbfMatrixGetValue(m, r, c));
/* function ErrMess: */
/* print message to stderr */
void ErrMess(char *message)
fprintf(stderr, "%s", message);
/* end of file */